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Review: The Red Tent by Anita Diamant

The Red TentThe Red Tent by Anita Diamant (read in 2006)
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A few years ago I was reading allot of fiction about historical women. The book that opened the door to what I call my "female centric phase" was The Red Tent by Anita Diamant.

I want to put in a caveat right here that while I really enjoyed this book, it is not for everyone. Some people can't get past the first couple of chapters. There are many graphic depictions of physical and health related issues that are common to all women - cycles, pregnancy, birth.

Aside from the fact that I felt the writing was engaging I enjoyed the perspective this book gave me on what it meant in the past to be part of a community of women. Through the eyes of Jacob's daughter Dinah this novel takes the reader into the real lives that lay behind the book of Genesis.  Reading between the lines Anita Diamant embraces the truth of the bible, mixes in some real history, and invents characters and events that reflect the common issues and experiences of modern women.  The book made me laugh and cry - but in ways I didn't really expect. It made me cringe, and it also made me want to embrace my womanhood in a new way.

I would not recommend this book for men, anyone with a weak stomache, or anyone who wants a really fast paced plot.

This is a great book for people who are interested in biblical history, women's issues, or enjoyes novels that depict the intricate dramas of daily life.

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